Friday, September 12, 2008


Well it is day 2 of prep for Ike. It is now 9:30pm on Friday night and so far so good. We have received some substantial gusts of wind by so far nothing big. Heck it hasn't even rained today. The photos I have attached are the before pictures of our house. I will update in a day or two with the post Ike photos.
Kevin is even in getting into the act. He got out of the bathtub today singing. Just watch the video.....


Anonymous said...

wow, i really cracked up at the end of that video. oh, kevers and his nakedness!

Anonymous said...

why is it that little boys can walk about half naked all the time, but when older boys do it, its "gross" and "creepy"? I don't think i've ever seen Kevin and Cade wear shirts....